Welcome to the "kids' room!" This is the room in my home that I have set aside as a bedroom and playroom for my niece and nephew when they visit. It also houses a few of my own mementos of childhood - a favorite Barbie, books, my dedication gown, a baby doll and the rocking chair my brother and I were rocked in as babies, among other things. My mama's childhood musical jewelry box as well as a Fancy Nancy doll ("Fancy" would have been her grandma name) are also displayed.
The room has been a work in progress since I moved in a few years ago. The antique twin beds, dresser and vanity had all been in my mama's house, and she had just bought the bedding a few months before she passed away. I tried to find sources for you, but I could not find these specific pieces. I do know that everything was from Steinmart!
Last week I went to one of my favorite local antique shops - Old South Antique Mall. While browsing, I saw this rug and immediately knew the colors would be perfect for the kids' room, but I wasn't sure the rug size was right. Thankfully, it worked out wonderfully. I love a good vintage rug, and it definitely puts the finishing touches on this room!
The gallery wall in this room consists of baby and childhood photos of my parents, my brother and I, and my nephew. I now have to add some of my sweet little niece! All of the photos were already framed (they had been in my grandparents' or mama's homes). I just arranged them in a thoughtful way, and my friend helped me hang them!

All in all, the kids' room is probably the most finished room in my home and now one of my favorites!