Here's a look at my festive Valentine's Day table for two almost completely set with family heirlooms. I just love using my mama and grandmama's beauties to set a pretty table. I'll give you all the details, but first this! tablecloth! It is by Lovely Lady Linens and it's a beautiful Indian block print in pink and green. It would be lovely at Christmas, but it is just right for Valentine's Day! I'm *in love* with it!

The centerpiece of my beloved camellias in an old King's Crown Ruby Candy dish and a silver tussie-mussie (or nosegay) sit on an old silver tray that I won in a pageant ages ago (yep!).

The place setting includes my maternal grandmother's wedding china Haviland Apple Blossom and white napkins along with my mother's gold plated silver, her gold-rimmed water glasses, her King's Crown Ruby Thumbprint Goblets and salt cellars. The napkin rings are vintage glass ones I found on eBay, and the chargers are from Tablecloths Factory.

Happy Valentine's Day, loves! I hope you spend it with the one's nearest and dearest to your heart.